New Teasers April 27th 2022

I’m not really gonna try and comment too much on these because this is me rn

they seem like basic directions and clues, so finding these will be easier once we’ve actually played the game.

silver chests are probably more exquisite compared to normal chests and can only be found by treasure hunting? perhaps the rarity of the chests will depend on the note’s tier

also, look at those waves on the second image


epic stuff but i dont like the text, it doesnt feel piratey at all


:0 cant wait to go treasure hunting!

I just realized that it doesn’t as well. At least, not compared to the dialogue we’ve seen from other NPCs


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literal comic sans lol

omg wait no you weren’t talking about the font

“i can still read and understand this text it’s not uhmmersive enough”


Is it really supposed to be piratey tho? :man_shrugging:

yknow i didnt even think about the font before, it did seem a bit odd
there was specifically an update to make the text easier to read tho, would be dumb to backtrack by using an unreadable font

I think he meant the way it’s written, not the font

right not every person at sea who would leave treasure would be a pirate, who knows we’ve only seen two maybe there’s a base that is more "piratey "

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idk but like the map text looks kinda not really old, not faded or like handwritten

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you cant tell me that it doesnt feel weird for a note that was supposedly left behind by a pirate has perfect grammar and the fella just talks in casual modern day english

talkin about the style of how its written, although the font could be better but idrc about it that much

yes or at least not completely casual modern day english

Yeah it could be better, but I mean it’s not gonna be Sea of Thieves gold hoarder clues style better

omg what!??! you’re telling me “VETEX” isn’t going to make his game EXACTLY like sea of thieves?!? what the FUCK bad GAME IMMERSION RUINED!

I wasn’t trying to say that but ok

but i am

i hate evetx why isnt he copying the bst game of all time sea of shits??? bad dev 0/10

bro u good?

half and half