New to forum need help

Hi, I’ve been signed up for 2 days now and I ant post in marketplace and other threads. Does anyone know why I’m not getting access?

There are different “trust levels” you get by posting a certain amount of times. Those two areas might have a trust level lock before you can post in them, but I could be wrong

As said above, you need trust levels which you can get by just being active. (ie Messaging, reacting, viewing etc.)

Oh and by praising the lord Morrock, but thats beside the point.

Not quite sure which trust level you need to post in Marketplace, but the requirements for the trust levels can be found here.

It says level one and to just browse the site for 5 minutes but ive done that and some by now. Thanks for the replies btw

This worked itself out after making a few posts, thanks guys.

Do NOT praise Morrock, you WILL get banned. Praise Cursebeard instead

The Cursebeard agenda is officially supported by vetex trust me

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