New trading post: trading dense sunken sword for sunken warrior chest and helm negotiable

did you guys do the trade or not? cuz I still want the ssword. Sadly I don’t have powerful scrolls and idk if I have aeroplast, but I have a leg fish scale, 2 sunken elements, 4 scorched shards, and many more potion-brewing materials

we didnt do the trade
ill take 100k galleons and a jade pearls ig
btw i gotta go. sorry for not responding. ill be back later

oof I only have 70k (going all out for this ssword). And idk if I have a jade pearl…
Do you want any boss drops or good armor? Potion-brewing stuff? Spell scrolls?

ah sorry I would like 70k + adds in not interested in the other stuff though I’ll be selling an interchange for 30k
later though

interchange potion for 3k galleons?

Sorry I meant 30k

can I buy it for 30k rn?

No cause il get the interchange later

okay sounds good

Lol u actually got ganked bc of it, never though that would happen

tell me when you get the interchange pls. thx

hello, if u still have this ss i can give 40k galls, some scrolls worth 60k galls (agile, armored, brisk etc, sry dont have powerful), some jade pearls and mby clearstones if youll want some, can also add sth else

agile, armored, and brisk added up is not 60k galleons

Sorry i already got another trade going on they are giving acrimony + 2 powerful and i really wanna sell some interchange

they said etc. meaning they may have multiple armored or other scrolls but still

oh okay

ye thats what i meant, anyways see ya and gl

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