New trading post: trading dense sunken sword for sunken warrior chest and helm negotiable

Yoooo wsg traders, I got ganked by some goofy pissed former that doesn’t touch grass and lives in a homeless man’s basement (damn) cause goofy forumers be hating for no reason :sob: chill out bro you don’t gotta ask your dad to leave js bc I made a silly post.
anyways I changed up my trade here

but yeah with dense sunken sword bro
you could use rising tide but bigger :scream:
join up sigmas user is ThatEndy discord is apizzachef :yawning_face:

if not that i can just trade it for chest, im really tryna get sw rn

Do you want 70k galleons plus some rare items?

what other rare items?

btw im less looking for galleons, i usually like to trade sunkens for items so if u got items that are also worth 70k in place of galleons then that works better

Boss drops, rare reagents and catalysts, etc. I have a LOT of stuff

alr, ill see if i can offer for a sunken on the discord server, but if not then ill take ur trade since no one really wants ss rn

Wow no one wants ssword? Thats actually pretty surprising! I hope you trade with cuz having sunken sword would really help my lightning conjurer (paralyze)

ok ill trade you the sunken sword for 70k galleons and a crap ton of aeroplasts + 2 powerful

Not true I always want more

I have a sunken warrior chestplate + I can give scrolls

oh sick
join me ThatEndy

what scrolls you need? @apizzachef

id like some powerful and armored
if u can give sw helm instead of scrolls thats also fine

I don’t have any of those

how about 1 acrimony


or dse whatever you want

Lets move this to messages so it doesnt get over bumped, also nah ill just take the acrimony

ok let me confirm if I’m getting scammed or not first tho

no trade