New wood magic texture SUCKS

Why does it look like sh*t?

it looks like actual wood now not tree bark


never liked the geometrical appearance of wood but that texture seems better imo
old one looked like rusted metal based on the picture

is tree bark not wood, though- oh my god it says it’s a tissue that overlays the wood this is tragic

The whole feel of wood was that it was trees, the pillar explosion, the charge effect, sphere explosion, beam spell. They all have branches. It looks like a tree branching off, which is why I liked it so much. It felt less like just the wood itself, and more like using trees, trees growing outwards around you. The tree bark feel made it more natural. Now it has an odd spiral to it, it shines a bit, the color seems too much of a light tan rather than the brown, it seems unnatural. It looks more like processed lumber than a natural wood. The trees in the game use the bark texture, I don’t see why having the bark texture as wood magic isn’t good. Tree bark is part of the wood. I understand you are the one who designs the game and have final say in any and all additions and changes, but maybe revert the current texture for existing wood, and allow for a new variant that uses the new texture for those that like it? I just feel like a major part of selecting a first magic, especially since it cannot be changed, is the visual side of it, and changing it so drastically this far in kinda hurts. I don’t wanna reset my whole file but the new texture completely changes the visual and feel of wood magic.

It looks TOO smooth, like its factory processed wood

p sure that’s kinda the point. magic energy can’t really pretend to be something complete so it pretends to be wood but it just can’t get it right so it’s factory processed looking. i think a wood curse would look less smooth on account of being actual wood


ok this is a good explanation

In that case, every magic should look like a processed/watered-down imitation of the real thing. It’s only wood magic that has that artificial look to it. Every magic should look as if it’s pretending to be the real thing, while the curse equivalent looks better. How come wood magic gets slapped with this retexture that makes it look so much worse because it “didn’t look like wood” and “it’s pretending to be the real thing” when none of the other magics have that issue?

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