πŸ“·- WoM Screenshots

Feel free to use these for anything you like! :heart:


These are beautiful. Great job!

I would love to have first person to do stuff like this but you did a good job without it.

you can press P to turn off UI
I think

Thanks man. I was able to get shots like this by using the invisible chest glitch. :heart:

For me the button is β€œP” but I am sure it might be different.

The Key that allows β€˜Picture mode’ is β€˜P’

imagetopic font
nice pics

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fixed thanks

no problem. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Really wish those pictures were cropped, I wouldn’t mind having the Coliseum as my wallpaper.

It would be nice if there was a feature that made your character invisible as well, so you could get pictures like these easier.

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I’ll try to get some that are cropped.

Agreed. I can’t always get the glitch to work, and sometime when it does work, it bugs out and I have to leave the game.

@JTN I added some new pictures and cropped some of my older ones. Hope you like it. :+1:

i made one that looks almost exacly like the top one a couple of days ago

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YOOO! That looks good. :heart:

I must thank you very much for these beautiful pictures.

I must thank you for your kind words. :heart:

I just posted a few more images! If this topic continues, I will try to post more images as often as I can, if not I can create a new topic.

10/10 masterpiece