Goodbye old friend

It’s starting to sink in now that WoM as we know it will be DESTROYED! I know that sounds like a cheesy line from an end of the world movie, but it’s true. World of Magic is going to disappear off the face of Roblox. And, although I wish it was me doing the destroying, :frcryin: it was apparently a necessary step towards a better game. :nod: SO! I made this image collage of memorable locations (to me) in WoM and for you guys to look back on. Also, you can use this as a wallpaper.

Buh Buh Buh Buh! Hold your tiny little typing hands before you start blasting away at my art. YES! This is art, and I am proud of that. Some of you may or may not remember I tried to get an artist role by using some of these very screenshots, and I was turned down (for obvious reasons). BUTT :peach:! I was told that if I did use screenshots that I should at least give them “more meaning than just screenshots.” Remember “art can come in many forms” so if you are going to give feedback, please give “constructive feedback.” Enjoy!

Link to all my WoM photos: 📷- 𝐖𝐨𝐌 𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 - new 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐳𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬!

A short story based on this art by Rake2005: 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 - Google Docs



I do like this though. It’s meaningful

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i don’t think anyone over the age of nine is gonna dispute your claim that this is art

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durr that isn’t art that’s just text on a bunch of jpeg files i could do that in an hour

Good stuff.

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I have one question, only one.

How did you change the title’s font¿?

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Now all we need is one of those Fortnite Events before TGR

I use an application called “Discord fonts.” I just copy the original forum text, choose a font I like, then paste it back in. It’s super easy. Here is a link. :+1:

Y E S :nod: :frcryin:

:sunglasses: Yes, I see you got my pun. You are a man of culture. :explosion_magic:

Plot twist, majority of people on forums is under age 9… :poggers2: :poggerfish:

Thank you. Glad that this post was received well lol :heart:.

I was kinda bracing for backlash.

I’m honestly hoping that vetex copies the existing WoM and throws it onto a different game place while AO takes over the current one.

Seeing where it all started is always great.
(Also this is a perfect opportunity for World of Magic sandbox mode)


It would be hard but I’m sure we can adapt and enjoy the new AO

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You made me cry. I’m crying right now while typing this. Actually crying if I want to complain the map change lore change and stuff and say just restart the prolouge or some idea it will be disputed down by Arcane Adventures Fanboys. A sequel doesn’t neccisarily have to be the same Type as the prequel. Making it a continent was amazing but now since travel issue,story issue we get a total new game. :cry: will miss Wom. I do not give a shit if you don’t miss Wom other people but you won’t know the excitedness of the boy who first played in 12th Gen and found an amazing game. Sad to see the game along with some of it’s features that captured me initially go away.


Don’t worry my dude, this is definitely art to me.

And yes, as flawed and frustrating as WoM can be sometimes, it’s sad to see it go after more than half a year of putting up with it.

Well, I guess bittersweet would be a better way to describe this, because I trust that Arcane Odyssey will take everything that was good about WoM and polish them.

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Stay strong. All we can do is hope it lives up to both Arcane and WoM. :frcryin:

Yes I have faith Vetex will make a top tier game. :nod:

I already miss u, World of Magic(you’re in my heart), THX Tobi for doing this great art.

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I remember how excited I was to see ironport being built. WoM had a good run but sadly I’m more for AO than I am for WoM :man_shrugging:

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I feel you man…
I’m excited for AO but…
WoM was just…
let me get this out real quick

I will miss you WoM, despite your short lived glory.