Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

this was the idea behind it yea. Attack speed meta is boring, everyone spamming 5 attacks in under 1 second. Needed a stat that allows u to giga charge attacks without being punished for 900 damage


doesent that just let the other person get punished with 900 damage? (Iā€™m with this idea Iā€™m just curious whatā€™s stopping us from charging 700 damage ult arts)

ur still taking damage while charging + you actually have to land it

use power

yep, although ult art size and damage is being buffed, and multi blast size reduction is being removed. it probably wonā€™t happen much, but I can imagine a few scenarios in which multi blast ult arts can (sorta) be abused after these changes

can nerf the stuff that ends up too op with it. Surge is a good example, will prob need its damage reduction removed entirely

ult art surgeā€¦ satan shivers when he hears its name

Uh, yeah, I couldnā€™t possibly care less about this thread


ā€œUltimate Art: Divine Shower!ā€

Donā€™t yall dare touching talking-is-allowed reminders, or I will derail real reminders again. We got this reminders topic, yall got your reminders topic

Iā€™m not touching this topic, I just said so :person_shrugging:

And if you derail reminders again, regardless of what I decide to do, I will just ban you. You do not scare me little bro :joy:


I might as well just ban you ahead of time, then, since it seems youā€™re just threatening to break rules :fr:


Ayo? Why is my twin betraying me while Im trying to save this topic from might-be danger? Im finally trying to do something good, save the topic

The self explosion gold attack size mage in question:

Might-be danger??? You think Iā€™m moderating TWO reminders for ao threads? Thereā€™s no way in hell my guy :frcryin:!

Ultimate art metal aura be like:

I know

This feels like trying to defend your house against someone who actively walking away from your house.

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this topic isnā€™t in danger, in fact itā€™s being used for exactly what it was made for, discussion