Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

You see, their sanity has already crumbled

this oneā€™s sanity has already crumbled

i would want this, butā€¦
I donā€™t want to do DS expeditions again just to make builds for even more files, i have 10 (12 when iā€™ll get motivated enough) files to manage already :sob:.

Just have 1 slot where you do all of the minmax and the rest just being more casual builds

which is what i do? how do you think i am somehow managing 12 of them?

I just assumed since you were doing DS expeditions that you were minmaxing all of your slots

gonna make the vit builds then gonna make random ahh builds

now I can transfer over my 11 other files from alts to my main account so I can give them fancy ships :3

my sanity is slowly crumbling into a fine powder which is pretty cool tbh

Just a reminder you can create another account and get 3 files for free

Well yeah but then itā€™s on a different account :<

How much would a 1 file cost though? cause I was planning to buy the game pass

I bet itā€™s gonna be 100 Robuxs or above

if the gamepass is 600 for 3 then itā€™s probably 200 for 1

having 15 files is nice, though i kinda wish we didnā€™t have a limit at all, cause iā€™m thinking of making a 3rd and fourth set of mages as a sort of b team to my 1st and 2nd sets, and iā€™d need 24 files to do all that

i dont think roblox could handle that

Whats this?

tbh, I always thought that was a bit too much per file
I can understand 100 per, but 200 just seems a bit too much when you can just make an alt

but itā€™s vetexā€™s game so he gets to decide how much everything costs

that WATER

thatā€™s that weird green stuff that grows around that leak in my basement roomā€™s wall
people said that itā€™s edible or something

Thatā€™s me.

looks like the ground outside palo town