Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Can we at least make it 135?

its 136 already wdym

Yeah but I want it to be 135


Idc about losing the 141 because I donā€™t think that would unlock anything for me anyway. Iā€™m just so happy Vetex didnā€™t give us 132

Juggernaut can finally have mobility outside of reflexes

I donā€™t think thereā€™ll be time for vet to make the 3rd skill set considering each skill took like 2 days last time

Level 136 is enough for Warriors to use Sparrow Thrust on the Triasta of Bronze. Thatā€™s something, I guess

eh, at least weā€™ll get higher tiers on some things

Ah yes, let me look at the amount of triasta users

definitely gonna be boosted because the size nerf got a tad bit reverted

2 days? alr lets say that if the skill is easy to make, including visual and coding, and that maybe the average is 4-6 days to make one

so what is not like the update will get delayed for a month

probably boobs


Iā€™d love an attack that like makes a decently sized slash in front of you that reflects projectiles

The sex update saga continues

A reflect would be cool. It would probably be for something that has low range normally so the reflect would make up for it by being able to use the enemy projectiles.

You sure? 6th chapter had 14-15 parts (1st chapter for Nimbus), while 7th chapter has only 1 part rn, so Vetex is like halfway done with adding 2 chapters.

as far as i know most of chapter 7 is being pushed back alongside kingdom alignment
either that or chapter 7 is mega tiny

Oh, so we are not getting full 7th chapter. Rip.

Have any ideas how soon update could release?

I would hope this month, but it seems more like aprilā€¦