Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

oh so it’s still pretty shit anyway. well atleast it’s not complete and utter shit :smiley:

i honestly wanna level up to the new max, minmax all my stats and then go back to the bronze sea and whoop anything i see


This begs the question

Will low levels be able to travel to further seas for more efficient grinding and levelling

all quest have a level lock, and I seriously doubt any low level even very skilled can take down the lvl 250 pirate captain due to sheer lack of dps

I mean if cargo gives more XP the further you go then that works too but gargo xp got nerfed a while back

Just came to mind while reading trello.

Do you remember that one of the features of the upcoming town alignment system is ships blockage/pirate fleet swarming an island?

Can’t wait to be ganked by 4 fortified pirates captains when I already die to 1 if I’m not careful.


No, really, I’m no being sarcastic, I’m really looking forward to it.

PURE thrill.

We can just make RFAO (part 4)
(Actually maybe you can rename this one RFAO (part 4))

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Let the bot do it’s job…

We must make sure to keep it in the rightful spot…

Yeah, but doesnt chamge the purpose of RFAO, which is just supposed to be patch notes thread, not discussions thread.

“only higher level NPC ships. NPC ships here can only be Ketches or Brigs, and have a level range of 90-260”
Oh boy, can’t wait to accidentally attack a ship with a level 260 captain and end up getting obliterated in 3s.

You most likely won’t be able to take cargo between seas, so you can only do it in the sea you’re currently in

It would be cool to take a shipload of cargo from redwake to dusk island or whatever its gonna be called far in the future lol.

Keraxe to Palo Town cargo run


lvl 50 about to get destroyed by a lvl 260 captain (his friend was in nimbus sea)

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I can’t wait to get gang banged by 3 npc brigs at once like it’s the third insanity range :cold_face:

I wonder if the first island we’re going to stop at in nimbus is a homeland island? I doubt it. It’ll probably be some small town for sameria or skyhall, considering that was what happened in the bronze sea - we stopped at frostmill, one of Ravenna’s towns as one of our first main islands. Gosh, this is all so exciting.

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It’ll either be an unaffiliated resting spot like sailorslodge or a town owned by the Samarian nation, remember, skyhall hates seadwellers.


ok so crazy idea.
since bronze sealed chests are named after both the main resource of the sea’s kingdom aswell as the sea its self.

what if Nimbus sealed chests are not only named after the sea but after a material that the major kingdom in that sea produces.

like a different kind of Arcanium forged from materials found within sky islands instead of materials found underwater.

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My favorite material from the AO series, Nimbusteel

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the naming would fit right in with arcanium lol.