Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

these got posted to twitter again (let’s hope they don’t get deleted again)

yay quality

drakos arch is such a nice vibe
it’s like if goso jungle was a giant dragon skeleton
also I wonder if that shipwreck on the right has anything interesting inside

Middle picture is what happens when a clan tries to raid Redwake. Or me just tryna grind coppershrooms.

average redwake experience if you have high notoriety

Only leg scales


:loopkill Mimhere


WE HATE AGILITY (i say this as a 0 agility mage (i am masochistic))

Time to lose a race to a snail, oh boy!

While I will say agility defiantly needed some nerfs, I’m not certain how big these changes are when it comes to viability

I wonder if metal arcanium will give you slowness (-25% agility)

Given the fact that the changelog mentions negative stats, metal arcanium will probably give slowness

As for how well a negative agility set will function in a game where mobility is key in combat is still up in the air

(it literally does, at least currently)
(unless you mean the slowness effect, I don’t think it will)

Hear me out…
Arcanium helmet
Arcanium chestplate
Arcanium boots
Arcanium braclete
And that arcanium hat.

All with metal.

you’ll be very tanky but very slow

Lower your agility to the point that your magic leap sends you in the opposite direction

Add ironskin 5

And get afflicted by one of the slowing status effects maybe