Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Now I can tolerate using my drawback build

rip conjurers, we have fallen.

main problem is that they both have unique skill and status effect. Which breaks consistancy, im okay with sunkens being rare and having 2 stuff, its sunken afteral…
But triasta?
Okay, sure, argument can be made that its Arcanium, same goes for Sunken, still confusing af

Oh finally charged is useful

finally, i can fight Atlanteans with low ship health with this change.

now axe throw is going to deal insane amounts of damage
it already does like 100- 150 at the level you’re supposed to unlock it on the old axe

us axe enjoyers shall feast

My shield warrior is going to become a nuisance with that sliced endlag

It’s probably going to stay that way until some Rare tier axe releases and becomes meta.

I have a sand conj and it already does 500 damage when charged, if someone starts hitting this thing reliably they will green everyone

Rare weps get an unique skills and 1 weapon from each boss gets am unique skills (Seismic Slash, Storm of Arrows and Ethereal Flash)

Btw Rain of Arrows hits 3 times while Storm of Arrows hits 5 times

Oh nice the fix that I thought of for drawback made it in, despite me not actually suggesting it. That means that someone else had the same idea.

it actually hits pretty well when you get used to it, i used to have it as my main weapon on my knight file

granted, you cant hit target higher than you, but if they’re running away or smt its decent enough as a punisher/finisher

Guess I’m gonna switch to ash reflex on my iron leg ash warlock file

I had a thought… if triasta has unique skill will future boss weapons have unique skills???

Pirate boss multi-pistol is confirmed to have unique Q move


Weapon Level Requirment: 300!

Presumably it’s Gun draw: Power shot

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This is why I like unusual builds. A tank running around throwing axes at people is much better than whatever meta people have come up with