Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)


interesting that the level cap hasnt been increased in the past 3 parts

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Good point. I suppose that’s a clue to how long the nimbus sea’s first chapter will be, because by the looks of it I have a feeling we’ll get stopped at another, maybe two wilderness islands trying to stay hidden from whoever ambushed us.


idk if someone already showed this, but:

  • Chapter 6 Part 11 of the story can now be completed. (The Shining King)

between parts 10 and 11, that was fast.

Maybe this is actually escaping the pirate hideout fort talos esc. the pirates want to recapture you for defeating their captain?


mino grammar mistake on my part, i wanted to say nimbus sea

say ong

From looking at everyone’s conversation and theories, It seems the gang is all trying to gain allies as we go through shady places looking for help from those they can trust and work with and soften the bad rep they got from Sameria with what they’ve done in Ravenna.

I have a vibe AO will have many villains with good publicity and heroes with bad publicity.

“I’ve been hearing quite a bit of talk about his Captain Avaris guy, mind telling me who they are?”
"Oh, Captain Avaris? He’s our gracious ruler who treats every section of our island fairly and has defended us against any invader!
“Oh! So he’s a pretty good guy from what I’m hearing?”
“Good? No no, he has sunken countless marine fleets and has plundered various kingdoms. Haven’t you see his wanted poster plastered everywhere?”




I wonder how this will affect blast, since it also is available at the start of the game for 0 magic. Will it be increased to another amount or would it still be available?

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I wonder how this will affect blast, since it also is available at the start of the game for 0 magic. Will it be increased to another amount or would it still be available at level 1 and mages now have two attack types at the beginning?

i have no idea, but magic m1 is still very dang cool.

Unless vetex plans to bump up blast to 30+ magic to make it more in-line with technique unlocks, then yeah probably

Light mages with 300+ attack speed using their m1’s be like:


My 537 Attack Speed is ready.

bros m1’s will be equivalent to a machine gun’s firerate