Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Quick! Cook all the exotic bread while you still can!


Cargo ppl might like this one.

its gonna be so fun to have little kids at level 30 saying ‘b-b-but why can’t I beat elius!?’

now i wont be able to find level 50s at cirrus to splash insanity potions on :sob:


Oh no… That could be… detrimental…

even if a level lock doesn’t exist anymore, i will still get to level 40 as a precaution on my next files.

no more having to farm gunpowder barrels or treasure charts on frostmill for hours to get enough levels

do you know what an exploration task is

And…is it just me or did Vetex archive the magics list on the trello?
i swear it was to the right of the patch notes category.

I pretend half of the islands don’t exist
it’s easier that way to justify my behaviour towards the navy by legally stealing their stuff

hours? just for around 15 levels?

The level lock takes like… 20 minutes ;-;

magic types is still there…?
it has always been under information and ideas and not under major features/ideas

i am talking about a magics list category that had all of the synergies with each magic status effect.
Unless they merged it with something else.

if you’re busy doing charts or gunpowder barrel runs you might as well just go all the way and get 20k galleons worth of stuff so you can get the brig instantly

oh, yeah
that was pretty outdated, so I assume vetex is going to either update it or place it in one new card instead

Shoot revon % is not a viable speedrun catagory

now all of them are gone aside from one
low levels will now be able to attempt calvus!!!

we’re speedrunning the ‘hey how’s your brother?’ topic with this one

hmmm…i need to find out about the level requirements before this change happens.
Precaution reasons.

i honestly see this as a good thing because now ao will be less of a bandit beater (free at last from the ice mines of frostmill)