Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

there’s no reason not to roll back data, update has only been out for like an hour

I mean more specific weapons with unique skills like sunken

the question is if data C A N be rolled back

i think that if it could have been, vetex would have said so

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“NONE OF THOSE WEAPONS CAN BE RESTORED” It ain’t getting rolled back bros

didn’t think about sunken, and yeah thought sunken gear was supposed to stay with you through the whole game lol

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We’re still waiting on confirmation for that

vetex said explicitly that the bug “can’t be restored”

Its joever

At least exotic scrolls are easier to reobtain…?

Billions must cry

I hope their value drops to the ground and then some

roblox always killing vetex’s games

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Oh the bright side sunken value might rise again…?

IDK if this belongs here, but for some reason I’m unable to use surge even though I got the scroll for it and applied it to my main magic (glass)

i already played in the update so my sunkens might be gone it’s so joever

vetex should let us make macros for one day :hugs:

Er, is the game safe now or still busted? (cant play for another hour or so either way)


I’m thanking god that other stuff still remain

Got interchange on my other file and I’m not leaving the bronze sea in that one

it can still get wiped in the bronze sea