Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

time to abuse the heck out of this ‘feature’ before it gets patched and then deny you’ve done anything


(it didn’t)

it’s definitely a feature :nod:

I remember doing a treasure chart today with my friend. We both got “southwest edge of Sameria”, it ended up being on the same spot. I got another chart later that was also in Sameria, and it was also on the EXACT same spot as last time. I shrugged it off as a coincidence, but from the looks of things… it isnt.

Might be different in every server tho. Cause mine was different from the vid shown up there. But it was still the in same spot every time.

I think what happens is that the treasure location stops getting randomised after the first person in the server gets a chart for said island. It just picks the same treasure location afterwards. Making it “stuck” on that same spot every time.

I noticed this a lot too when I was trying to do a legendary chart in nimbus sea

I kept finding all of the chests in the same crack of ground behind the Sameria town with grass, on a cliff on the dragon bone island and on the same pillar in the forest of masts

Well it’s fixed now

yea just happened to me, there were legit 3 other people with the same chart for sameria :skull:

I wanted to go there because I wanted to explore it.

10/10 would recommend may lack in “content” (some reward) but the ambiance honestly makes up for it, that place has an atmosphere that I feel like finding some reward might potentially honestly detract. The whole place gives off the feeling of being some sort of horrible event, like imagine akursius but instead of insanity messing about it was just the island itself. Had no buildings, but the randomly spawning/despawning rocks (I swear the epicentre has unique code for rocks despawning and respawning in random places), the sand filled valleys and the giant rifts/mountains gave just the sort of feel that you honestly can’t recreate easily, and then the still boiling lake at the centre just ties it all together, giving a landmark to all that wasteland. Having no reward in sight to being here honestly just adds to the atmosphere, because it’s so abandoned and ruined that there isn’t even anything to salvage.

The epicentre is really good and well-made, provided your mindset isn’t “I must find this island! Imagine the reward!”, but “Oh, what’s this place?”. The reason it keeps getting stuff like badge deletions is because of how players flock to it because they keep hunting it then giving out directions/taxi rides to it, when the epicentre itself is obviously meant to be something you just stumble upon randomly with no context. It’s much cooler to be sailing around in the far reaches, seeing giant islands and all sorts of chaos like legendary atlanteans, before suddenly spotting an island even bigger that shares zero similarity to anything you’ve seen before, a desolate wasteland that not even atlanteans exist on.

The only reason people hate it so much is because they don’t stumble onto it randomly, they hunt for hours and hours trying to find it for some reason. I hope when we get the North Pole and the South Pole that we don’t get told ANYTHING

Besides, the title is still cool even if it is a nicer purple colour and loses the eye


what is going on with thermo fist :skull:

yeah but also… it’s incredibly unlikely to stumble upon it randomly. only a few people out of hundreds of expeditions to that range have found it by pure chance. no one would ever find it unless we devised up actual methods and routes to find it, like we have. i think it would be cool if it was just something you stumbled upon with no context, but the chance of finding it would have to be way higher for it to have any kind of actual effect on the average player

don’t question the decomposed remains of the dead horse.

servers shutting down for bux fixes… there goes my 30 sealed chests :sob:

Can’t wait to see them inevitably revert this change

all 3 thermo fist users are partying rn


I like how people got so worried for the change when it just got changed to an objectively better colour

The end is nigh! The RGB coordinates of the purple have changed! Be ready to endure the worst!

okay lowkey I like the new color more, but I glaze lighter colors by default and I already liked lavender.

not good game design :person_shrugging:

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What does the new title look like?