Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

vetex please dont give my fire arcsphere intensity :pleading_face:

This isn’t random lol

Yes, I know it isn’t random; I mentioned that difference later on in my post. But the idea is still the same.

As someone else had previously stated, arcanium items are obtained only after getting to level 100+, which means that most people on their first playthrough will choose a magic without the knowledge of arcanium items, locking them out from at least 19 different variations.

Adding variations in stats between different elements is a concept that should open up even more doors towards build customization, but when paired with the auto-conversions, narrows down the player’s freedom instead.

Magic users are at a disadvantage here, as there is no way for them to change their first magic, when compared to strength and weapon builds that have the freedom to use whatever they want.

tbf though, a strength or weapon build changing for the items would also change their moveset and what they have to use to attack now

i mean on strength builds that’s more of a problem, but weapon users can swap on a whim so I wouldn’t really count that

they couldn’t swap and then keep the item to use on what they had before though

I am going to cry if sand arcanium gives me intensity (please spare me Vetex :pleading_face:)

I really only said intensity cuz sandy (the modifier) gives it

well lets hope for my sanity that I dont get cursed with intensity giving arcanium

Yeah but at least they have the option to change. Magic users are stuck with something they chose before even getting to the gameplay


canonically magic users would be even more fucked because they don’t even get to choose their magic, they just get born with it


yeah, even when we have an option to change magic, it still really sucks. it was fun having to trade with people to get that magic thing, it added nice player interaction which i like.

but no. that’s just taken away for idk what reason

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adding variations in stats like this but not making the items auto convert to your chosen magic type will just make metamancers go “unga bunga insert x magic type arcanium items give slightly more of this stat i want i will wear nothing but this magic type”

(very obviously paraphrased but you get the picture)

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i’m gonna run on the assumption that whatever stats your magic gives it would be about the same as a modifier that gives nothing but that stat (4.5 per 10 levels for defense, 1.5 per 10 levels level for substats, 0.5 per 10 levels for power)

if someone is wearing full arcanium, thats a non-insignificant amount of stats- especially defense on what would otherwise be a very power heavy set (assuming arcanium armor shares the same power/intensity distribution as the bracelet)

Kid called second magic

dude i just want to get my atk speed, i have light magic and im a warrior

but in this hypothetical future, what if intensity is broken with Sandy and just blinds opponents for 30 minutes

I am sure they will add gear for every class (warlord, warrior etc)

Really cool to see a strength version of the arcanium items come into existence.

several weapons rn are available to them exclusively, even if they don’t get anything they should be fine

Rejoice my fellow strength builds, we’ve got exclusive drip now!