Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

Yeah, there was just something serene with WoM and its exploration. Just running through the forest… I’d love to experience that in AO. Just uh, look out for the possible lag when it becomes the default spawn point.


I died from nostalgia after entering wom after a year of playing ao

Thats why I was hyped for Ravenna, one of the biggest islands with people on it however the mountain in the middle that takes up 80% of the island really killed the fun for me but that makes me even more hyped for Sameria with just running around a big open field. And when the Town/kingdom alignment comes out with all those fetch quests it will bring more WOM vibes into AO.


hopefully Sameria isn’t a giant desert island xD

(in AA Savaria and Sabura are both desert islands, and Jern Redside, the Samerian Thermo Fist mentor, is wearing a desert-style outfit)

I wouldn’t really mind if it’s a desert themed island, I just hope that it’s not entirely covered by a desert
A desert would be an amazing place to have pvp matches or clan wars since those are generally quite open, but it would probably be quite boring to have that as an entire island
I hope it’s also going to have a decently large savannah area similar to the bronze grasslands in WoM, with a bunch of ruins and large hills and caves. Making that place a lot more interesting to explore

I wonder will that swordsman statue from a hill in bronze grasslands be found at sameria? Mino statue has been added to limestone key after all…

If the sameria queen doesnt look like jtn’s version i refuse to play

what does she even look like from jtns perspective

why does she look like a traumatized G&B character

that dress thing she has could be a good accessory for drip

bro looks like she hasn’t slept in days.

Hope she won’t be a boss. I don’t wanna murder her bc her simps will murder me after this

he said it would only take a week and the new patch notes about the new equipment were a week after he started building it so i guess i just assumed it was done, oops

I legit did not notice it was “cryonical” instead of “cryocynical” until you said that

Just spent the entire day reading this thread from top to bottom, ngl some of these arguments are really funny

Also have 1.3k messages loaded turns out to lag your computer a bit, who knew?

Boxing stock increased 20 fold


It only took until the development of the Nimbus sea for this to happen