Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

I wish there is skull emoji reaction outside using an emoji to react on what you just said :skull:

PvE heads on their way to hoard everything and becoming the #1 kleptomaniac with no life.

Btd6 players when a tower is worse then a tower that costs Three times as  much (it's terrible garage that has no use) : r/btd6

So it’s just a 0 drawback benefit because pve demons can immediately go back to grinding when they would’ve logged anyways simple

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It’s already annoying enough as is but now they have an option that essentially rewards them, not good imo.

Mt Othrys itself it’s fine the fps issues are just on the approach and titans caverns

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The difference is so minimal it genuinely doesn’t matter as the benefits of seperate servers outweigh the cons of logging 3.0 existing, hell their ship will most likely be damaged so they wouldn’t wanna grind

Even then it’s still just a way for pveheads to immediately retreat almost as fast as just logging when they’re already annoying pieces of shit, also still basically rewarding them by putting them in a server alone which they can grind themself.

Plus, the dark sea being a separate server with a giant teleport wall doesn’t really make any other problems with it better at all so why are we discussing something that isn’t even useful and just makes things more annoying?

besides, having the dark sea be a separate server will defeat the whole purpose of the dark sea being a thing. It’s supposed to be this all encompassing area of pure chaos outside of the relatively safe sea clusters. If it’s a separate server, it’ll feel less connected to the rest of the world. It’s still going to feel like a massive area, since it’s basically infinite, but what’s size if you cannot actually compare it to anything?
Having a separate place for the dark sea will just make it seem like a randomly generated infinite dungeon without walls. if it’s the way it is now, it actually feels like a part of the world, it feels reachable and you can easily enter it and leave. You cannot do this if it’s a separate server since there will be some kind of loading time.

The whole idea of the dark sea benefits from the fact that it is part of the ‘sea’s’ server and not its own.


what the hell are you smoking, in what world would that be in any kinda way somewhat as fast.

who the fuck ever said they’d getting their own server then?

I agree with it being more annoying though I’d rather take that if it optimizes the game even a smidge more, I ain’t touching the other point anymore since there’s no convincing you.

Losing the circular nature of the dark sea would suck but sacrifices are needed in life

nah man, he is already impatient, dont let this guy to experience the geometry dash 2.2 update wait nor the silksong wait

Why the fuck would they be sent to a multiplayer server on their own with no server list or communication method?

This is literally just sacrificing shit for shittier shit bro idk what you think this will do but make two laggy servers instead of one laggy server :sob:

This ain’t golf rules therefore two is better than one

Or we could, you know, just optimize the main problems that cause lag instead of making a random server split that doesn’t actually work and raises more useless things that have to be accounted for?

Yeah, greater lag overall. It’s also more like three with nimbus sea, so if nimbus isn’t that optimized then it’s just three laggy areas.

Overall, this tries fixing a problem in the wrong way. This change doesn’t address the lag issues at all and instead just expands it from one server to two while also just making the process of traveling between them more complicated.

It isn’t really a fix at all, it’s more like cutting a starfish in two thinking it’ll kill the problem of the starfish (now you just have two starfish).

what is vetex even cooking

its been a while since he updated the trello

Probably expanding the story