Nimbus Sea & Easter Patch Notes (Discussion Thread)

About ancient spells. I have heard ancient magics upon learning will have no spells from the start, all spells you must find yourself as scrolls. Are these scrolls containing spells for ancient magics and ancient spell scrolls the same thing or not?

I don’t think so, Ancient Spells are just extremely complicated spells with high reqs. If the thing about Ancient Magic is true, it just means they will only be able to learn spells with any spell scroll, not tbase spells

Hm, maybe you are right

Wasn’t there also something about ancient magics being usable only through engravings in the users body and not through magic circles?

Makes me think you’re going to have to resort to the older ways of soul casting since ancient magics are just too damn complicated to be used through magic circles

pretty sure that was a very old wom idea

Would be cool if mages could have multiple paths, like having the choice to learn either learning how to use original magic, or lost/ancient.

Remember it being on the trello not too long back
Would still be cool though

This was WoM only, the markings were used as “extra space” for you to be able to use 5 magics rather than 3.

3 base magics, 2 lost/1 lost and 1 ancient.

Oh ok, thought it was something like ancient magics being too powerful for casting through magic circles and you needed to use you soul for it
High risk high reward

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vitality feasting fr

didnt Vet say that spirit can be as strong as magic, so wouldnt it be

Magic ≄ Spirit >> Str = Weapons?

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The way vetex has it set up is:
Curses >>> Magic ≄ Spirit >> Strength = Weapons

Vetex’s exclusive stuff >>>>>>>>>>>> Curses >>> Spirit > Magic >> Weapons = Strenght

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Don’t forget that Headless and Tech are also gonna get exclusives, but anyways
this looks the most accurate.

spirit and magic are probably equals, but magic has the advantage of increasing the user’s lifespan and not costing on the soul to use (anymore)

To be fair, we don’t know if spirit energy can also extend the lifespan of someone

it is really strange ngl, Vitality increases your LIFE but uses your SOUL as fuel, which is contradictory asf

Might be wrong but the way I see it increasing your vitality does increase your life/strengthen your soul, but when you use it like a weapon you’re essentially tearing a part of your soul out to fight. Vitality itself is good for your soul but using it for offensive purposes(or just using spirit energy outside your body at all) is bad for your soul.

Until a relevant character who utilizes spirit weapons appears, I assume how spirit works will remain very vague

Carina is a Juggernaut, I think she will get spirit weapons once they will be released, even though half of us have killed her

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