Nimbus sea is probably going to be a pvp hellhole on release

I am now be obligated to RK every neg rep

you immediatly think i care if its a man or a woman.
im asking because i dont recall vetex talking about the bossā€™ gender

no one asks ā€œwhere did you get that the boss is a manā€

what are you even trying to say

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good question

if someone keeps saying stuff about a boss we know absolutely nothing about i would like them to show me the source they took these informations from

idk i just find it strange that itā€™s automatically assumed to be a man

i mean in the english language up until recently ā€˜heā€™ was the default pronoun for if you didnt know someones gender :person_shrugging:

Yeah Iā€™m more concerned about the boss turning into an indestructible slab with 50k health from the 14 different players all trying to get through the story

they better limit the player count on this shit or its gonna be awful. if for no other reason than because the sea is tiny rn compared to bronze sea

First boss to have 1 million hp (20 people hit it)

dont forget the damage buff on a hit boss

TBF pretty accurate for a dude on the run

Yes I do immediately think thatā€¦

if its a woman then more incels will be added to ao

and more global messages

never forget the Iris ā€œbrewing a logā€ post :nauseated_face:

This is the best part about nimbus sea relwase tbh

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thatll be good
but tbh the chaos of it all is fun. i suppose i think that cause i never really get ganked, and when i do, we have a fair(ish) fight and i usually die, but no hard feelings cause thats the game and whatever. other ppl dont think like that tho.
what is annoying are the cringe metamancers tho, i understand abt getting ganked by them.
just i usually get ganked by avg builds so its funner.

Hate me if you want but Iā€™m personnaly planning on defending the bosses with my life for this shit and giggles

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this man here just wants to take backshots from the boss