Nimbus sea pt. 1 soon like end of the year soon i think?

vetex posted in the trello on the 2nd that the nimbus sea is coming after the dark sea! its only like a few months wait right?

a few months = 7382939739292 years

I guess, depends on what soon means to you. I believe it isn’t “soon” since we have the whole dark sea update to explore and remember that it says nimbus sea part 1

wait it says part 1?


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and for me ‘soon’ means like end of the year or something maybe idk lol

oh ok, soon then (Hopefully, i dont know how long lore takes)

i read too fast

its alright lol

If we get the dark sea by the end of August or Early September then I could see the nimbus sea being around November (or maybe he’ll bundle it up with a Christmas update).

I wonder what other new content will be added in the nimbus sea update apart from story and islands, really looking forward to it

nice man youre thinkin big

a christmas update would be nice

But then Roblox would give him the ban hammer for making an update that has something to do with a religious holiday. I don’t even know whether or not I’m joking.

a winter holiday update? like he can add hanukkah and kwanzaa and other winter holiday stuff

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My point is that Roblox doesn’t like religious stuff in general. Their excuse for getting rid of the egg hunts was “not everybody celebrates Easter because it’s a religious holiday.”

I kind of hope that the Nimbus Sea comes after the “Near Future” updates. I think Sensing would be bundled with the NS, since it seems relatively simple to add (although it might not be, given that we barely know anything about it other than “it will exist.”)

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hmmmmm true

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it can be like an inclusive holiday update we’ll see

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well level cap increases for obvious reasons, and since one of the kingdoms in the nimbus sea is called “SkyHall” I can only assume more sky areas (actually my favorite part of the story ngl).

i feel like its maybe in the first week of February next year cuz we got the dark sea update at oct 6 and it took 3 months so yea

Why’d I have to be reminded that this person exists
