Nimbus Sea Theory

I think he is able to phase into his curses, but he has to do so by choice, it’s not automatic protection like it is with a curse that you truly own. And if he gives his curses to anyone else, like Ramses for example, they get the same limitations. We see in the webcomic that Ramses can turn into sand, but he has to choose to do that and time it right, so his Sand Curse probably wouldn’t protect him from something fast like a gunshot, despite being non-magical.

We can’t really know tho, the webcomic is uncannon so we would need an explanation from then man himself

You guys have gone offtopic.

In short, Durza was basically an angry 8 year old powertripping on kohl’s admin commands on his ipad.

(complete sentence just let me post this goddamnit)

Yeah. I cannot live without feeling that our first curse-battle is close.

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