Nimbus Sea Theory

Since Order extracted cloud curse from Beringer and Nimbus Sea contains a lot of sky island’s contents, does that gives us any chance, that we will fight new cloud curse user up in the sky?

Cloud curse doesn’t sounds like something very strong and its new owner is fully unexperienced, so maybe by the 250 lvl we will be canonically ready for this fight?

maybe? but if this does happen i jus know im gonna win fr

I mean Beringer either lost to old argos or at best got jumped by Argos, Elius, and some weak order members that were all over the sky islands, so if we aren’t strong enough to take out the cloud curse user rn we probably will be pretty soon, possibly sooner than at level 250 but it could still happen then as just having a curse user boss fight as the finale of the nimbus story I dunno

From some statements I recall Vetex saying ( I’m unsure about this as I forgot where was this from thus I couldn’t provide screenshots ), Beringer was ambushed by a random order member wielding a devourer and Argos and Elius were merely overseeing it.

I dont know if that makes me feel better or worse about Beringer’s strength

If “The MC gets easily outclassed by curse users statement” applies to Beringer who is dead. I could see Beringer being a few miles ahead.

Yeah but its also explicitly stated that the cloud curse was a weak one, to the point where even Calvus was mostly disinterested more just taking it for the sake of having another curse on his side, if there is any exception to curse users easily outclassing the player it would probably be the cloud curse. Even if it does outclass the player I don’t think its by too much relative to other curses

I’ve been guessing this for ages. Revon is gonna come back with the Cloud Curse, and Cursebane to replace his old sword.

The Cloud Curse is just a blatant loose end that needs to be tied up, and Vetex said that Cursebane can’t be a drop for players since it will be important for the story in the future, so we know that it will be coming back too.

I don’t know about the cloud curse, for one its in the order’s possession so probably not in his hands anyways, but also it’d be a little lame if the guy who swore to kill everyone one we care about to come back with a curse already stated to be weak at least relative to the other curses.

Cursebane(or some other devourer) though I can definitely see though I don’t know how he’d get his hands on it. Wouldn’t be surprised if he manages to stab morden with it by surprise(or maybe head on if he gets a whole lot stronger really quickly somehow) as part of his killing everyone you love thing, though if it did happen Morden would most likely survive.

It would be interesting if Morden getting stabbed by Cursebane but then the process being interrupted causes his curse to go wild or something. If the main menu ost before the Dark Sea update is anything to go by, the story might be pretty dark. So Morden being consumed by his curse going haywire for a period of time could make some sense. Maybe Warren has to fight Morden (possibly dies because he is trying to not kill Morden), and weakens him enough for us, the MC, to fight Morden, and after the fight we achieve our 2nd awakening.

A curse is a curse. Even the Mud Curse could beat Theos if the user mastered it enough. I think Revon with the Cloud Curse would be a great “tutorial” to fighting curse users. We can face off against stronger curses later.

They would need to be absolutely cracked with it, Theos was still keeping Durza in respect even tho Durza had 30+ curses

Durza had skill issue. Dude got stronger and still got their ass kicked almost 1000 years later.

I have a headcannon that he actually couldn’t use the curses correctly nor phase into them. Since he absorbed them troughout the Absorption Curse, they weren’t really his, he wasn’t really one with them (since he was able to give one away) and he wasn’t a Supercurse user, rendering his Curse extremely weak, a bit like echoes of what they are.

I also thought that maybe it was linked to how he’s dead/doesn’t have a body anymore. I kinda consider curses as parasites, they seem to have some sort of will (not consciousness tho) seeing as they can affect the user’s mind, and they also need a host to actually do something, an unabsorbed curse can’t do anything on it’s own. Seeing as Durza had to body, the Curses he had weren’t able to fuse with him (Curse might be more of a symbiosis than a parasite, the user gains incredible power but is somewhat controlled by the curse).

So in both theories, the Curses were in a weakened state, being used, but not able properly have a host.

I might have yapped a bit

In theory, Durza should have been able to use the curses to their max potential since he literally became magic energy after his skill issue that caused the world to be destroyed

He wasn’t exactly magic energy, he apparently abandonned his mortal form to create a body for himself, it is never specified what exactly that body is.

If he created a body himself, he did it using magic
So it’s a magic body

Ehhhh … there’s not only Magic Energy in the cerse, as we learnt recently. On top of that, his body being magical doesn’t mean it’s exclusively made out of magic

The problem is that we can’t really figure that out since we never saw Durza