No more rants

Hi all

Can we stop making a new “rant” thread about pvp or balancing or some shit literally every fucking day it’s so boring, causes around a million arguments and derailments and overall is somewhat responsible for the forums falling off as of late (in my opinion)

Let’s just take a chill pill and be a little more positive yeah?


No i wanna bait more

Modifier Rant and a Call for Answers Regarding Them when


These are humans you’re talking about when you tell them not to do something they are going to do the exact opposite of what you tell them out of spite

Do that and you’re banned

Anon’d in :sparkles:style:sparkles:*

I’m just saying, mine is the one that got results.

What results

I think the forums are being bettered by the increase in dialogue. Yes, it’s a shame that it always ends up turning into insult-throwing contests paired with heavy thread derailment, but aside from a few bad apples, they’re great.

I don’t think the forums are becoming better at all but if that’s your opinion that’s fine

But ask anyone else and they would likely agree with me, plus look at all the people that have anon’d recently

Master baiter

So could you call this a rant about ranting and call for answers regarding it?

i was tempted to name it rant about rants :sob:

I agree. Getting ganked ain’t that deep, they just gotta get over it I will be deadass.


i cant disagree

How to turn the rant about too many argument starting rants into an argument starting rant 101

Life of you just stopped caring about AO:


Currently the tally marks for someone instantly assuming I’m on the opposing side because I replied to them are 5 for being anti-gank, 3 for being pro-gank

When did I think you were on the opposing side? I just said life would be better if people didn’t care about AO so much

woops I accidentally hit the reply button that was just a statement not related to you