No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

Call the Reverend.

Did a quick little piece with my Grand Fire Curse Users and Cursebeard. Imagine trying to 1v5 The Grand Fires. His Tide and Ice is pretty much invalid in this fight due to Inferno, Darkflame, and Scorch. If ya think about it, atleast with the known users (non canon or not), None of them fulfilled their purpose of killing Cursebeard. So really, None of them prospered in what they were supposed to do

Quick Rundown

  • Promethean Flame = Morock Creed
  • Inferno = Colt (AA techlevel80)
  • Darkflame = Torren Corvus Cross
  • Scorch = Agni Ren
  • Aethereal Flame - Zephyr Reese

This isn’t rendered since I wanted to finish this quick and still got major stuff to do. This piece is a callback to my old Grand Fire Curse User lineup below, and I had fun with it + a dose of nostalgia


Whoever gets the title and big sentence reference gets free art, it’s from a song. That’s it, bye bye


Urururur sans undertale is techlevel

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Cursebeard solos

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Funny how before getting curses, Arthur was conj

It feels like bible and some song are you refference. Wanted to say Jojo at first

This looks epic

what these motherfuckers gonna do against this

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It is a bible reference at first but a song with the same sentence influenced me more


Makes the Grand Fire Curses to kill Cursebeard after giving him an OP supercurse

Grand Fire Curse users

is it the song that’s literally named this quote?

Nope, hint is that it’s Rap

it can’t be rapping for jesus can it?


Man who made rap song about calling priest

Hint: It was featured in a cat meme

no weapon against me shall prosper with this treasure i summon BIG RAPPA THE OPP STOPPA

Outside (Better Days)


This is the correct answer
