Noble Phantasm and its Toxicity

Noble keeps doing fucked up things and are getting away with it. They need to be stopped.


Im so tired of noble man

we need to get noble banned

I’m confused what’s happening in this image ngl

edit: oh wow okay that is fucked up

Another post has been made. this has really gone too far and ii hope people open their eyes of what a fucking monster noble actually is

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We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing


as someone who has friends in noble idek if i can respect their asses anymore

Thats soo messed up…

…Considering this is coming from the actual leader of the guild, I don’t think I’m believing this often-used statement to cover one’s own ass.

In summary,

That’s bait.

this smells fake to me

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even if this is trolling I really don’t understand what’s funny here

“ooh yeah we’re noble and we’re so cool we like to harass people and force them to take irl photos ooo aaa fear us”



need to bring this back without the last part

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They’ve crossed the line now. Enough said.

There’s only three possibilities here.
1: Noble is entirely the absolute worst of the community and their members should all be banned.
2: Noble wants to pretend they’re the absolute worst of the community for the sake of generating hatred and toxicity towards them, meaning they should be shut down immediately because wanting to look like a shit person is no better than being a shit person.
3: Somebody used photoshop to create worthless bait because they think they’re funny.


Hmm, even if it’s staged this still puts a bad taste for others, and could cause problems for Vetex.

Not to mention, I don’t think Vetex ever visits the AO subreddit (I don’t aswell) this’ll probably end up with Vetex doing some sort of announcement if It ends up going too far.

Which then would be the second time Noble has caused drama enough for Vetex to clear up for something (It was indirect, the previous one was about cataclysm cannons)

if this keeps happening, I could genuinely see noble losing his position and his clan since I really doubt all this pointless drama is worth the effort of keeping him.