Noble Phantasm and its Toxicity

nos wear :rage::rage::rage:

Have not heard much about Noble until now butā€¦like getting people to hold a sign irl to stop being huntedā€¦the heck is wrong with people???

shrimply unbelievable

its bait, the joke is that both sides did it for fun and people blew it out of proportion
its kinda nobles fault for posting it in general of vetcord knowing well people would believe it

so true fartman1314, you are my goat

Bait or not, itā€™s not exactly the best way to represent your community/clan.

As in, what difference does it make pretending to be a dick compared to actually being one, especially pretending to be one at this magnitude.

if someone wants to be a dick they have every right to be a dick, not much we can do :person_shrugging:

noble has had bad rep for years now i really dont think he cares all that much


he doesnā€™t know

Feel like this point has some kind of counterargument to it but wouldnā€™t it just be wiser at this point to cut the losses and like, oh I dunno, exile noble? or at least disband the clan?

I mean it doesnā€™t look good on big Vā€™s part since AFAIK theyā€™re friends and it promotes a pretty gross side of the community in a game thatā€™s not even pvp-centered (and yet it feels like it kind of isā€¦ ironically)

why would we exile or disband nobles clan? he hasnt broken any rules ingame; unless you count being an asshole as a rule?
all in all noble hasnt done anything but make people angry (which hes been doing for years now) this isnt anything new from noble

this is prob bc a lack of endgame progression , when the game is out of early access itll feel more pve centered

so true arlyborg, you are my goat

i pray to u every night fartman1314

i pray to you too arlyborg

I guess you canā€™t win every battle huh

Universally hated losers will be universally hated losers :man_shrugging:

I really wished there was a happier ending to this but it is what it is

i guess thats one way to put it

I mean hey, what comes around goes around

I have a feeling deep inside me that this is going to snowball into something pretty big, but until then, I guess the AO community as a whole needs to learn to not take anything noble or his goons do seriously.

nomor happy ending :confused:

itll never happen most ao players arent that smart