Noble Phantasm exposed: Stream Sniping

The evidence: Go to 2:01:45 on the stream.

Yesterday, GhilllieGreen was streaming a luck party, but he died to smn other than Noble(Pretty Sure). Now he was fishing on his boat ALONE and out of nowhere, Mitchellone attacked him, and who would have guesses, He is a part of Noble. This later turned into a Witch Hunt when 2 other Noble Members started chasing him too. Ofc they wont be banned, but at least the community knows what they have done. Because of these Noble members, GhilllieGreen wont stream AO for a while, ruining it for his 1k+ subscribers


unacceptable!! what scallywag behavior!!! how dare they plunder and act like scoundrels in a pirate based game!!! :scream: :sweat:

Oh there’s finally actual proof of them witch hunting?

1: Noble and cultists do X.
2: How could he?!
3: Community outrage
4: Repeat

The cycle continues!!
(when will they get obliterated???)

Fr fr

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, at this point I don’t even care if a worse guild replaces them if they’re erased, I’m just tired of seeing the same shit repeat over and over for 4 years.

whatever the new drama may be would atleast be new.

I mean noble somehow found my exact ship location in open sea so that says something ig

also i thought of how funny it would be to make a 14 player clan that plays games with giant clans like noble lol I gotta try that for fun

it would be like a tom and jerry type scheme

can we get someone to download Synapse on Nimble’s pc already?

i feel like glazing vetex gives you a free rule break pass because this is just crazy


Mitchellone is very sus. I was in that server, and Ghillie swam into the DS for 5 minutes straight(with infinite water breathing build). Mitchellone was attacking my ship in that 5 minutes, so I dipped and he followed for a bit. Then he turned around and went into DS. He just Happened to find exactly where Ghillie was in the DS. Even revealing 5 isnt that strong. Ghillie almost made it to insanity 1 when Mitchellone entered the DS.

We may have found an exploiter

It 100% does lol.
why is this not on every single noble member’s account yet?

Atleast in the forums, even if this doesn’t get them banned ingame, they should atleast not be here in the forums where people have been banned for the exact thing they do on a substantially smaller scale.
The precedent couldn’t be clearer if I tried.


What’s funny is now we basically have tangible evidence of them breaking the in-game rules (assuming they were actually witch-hunting) so like, can we smite them please?

Mods not banning them for some bullshit excuse in 3… 2… 1…

They found Ghilllie in the DS. And he was at the bottom of the ocean, swimming. They are probably some type of exploiters. You cant pin point a dude at the bottom of the ocean in the DS that easy. For clarification, they entered a few MINUTES after Ghillie swam in, so I dont think revealing 5 is that strong to sense him from so far

They just Happened to go in the right direction

Like I said, they are probably using a new type of exploit to track players


here is about where he starts getting sniped on the seafloor of the dark sea in range i1

he doesn’t know about noble slingshot gg

you can’t pinpoint someone at the bottom of the ocean in the dark sea AT ALL. Sure, you can reveal their location… IF YOU’RE CLOSE TO THEM. NOT FROM THE BRONZE SEA TO THE FIRST RANGE.

Noble stuff. Zzzzz.

Could care less thought it still hurts me to see them still breaking rules yet not getting punished for it.