Non-roblox game sharing party

escape the backroom :cold_face: :scream: :cold_sweat: :bangbang:

There’s this really good game called Lobotomy Corporation that’s made by a South Korean Indie Company called Project Moon, it’s basically SCP Facility Management Simulator but it’s also got an amazing story and worldbuilding, i’d highly recommend it to anyone who’s a masochist because the game is hellishly difficult.
It’s also got a sequel called Library of Ruina which i’d also implore everyone to check out because it is absolutely amazing.
And very soon on the 27th of February they’re releasing a free-to-play gacha game set in the same universe called Limbus Company which i’m really excited for.

idk if anyone else has said this in this topic, but pizza tower.

this is canon : r/sbubby

I believe this deserves a revive. Here’s my favourites

Fellow hoi4 player (I am ass)

kinda same

theres probably a better topic to post this in but damn get this game its free today and its funny asf


Thanks for that perf