Notice a few other people also being late with their introductions
Decide “why not”
Hello, I’m going by Amuka here (my 2nd name option)
Me rambling cause i didn't realize i was rambling till i was already halfway through and then i just couldn't stop (I am sorry)
I joined during august of last year, and the main reason i ended up joining back then was due to the abyss-sea AU created by Mirage, as i used to just occasionally pop up to look at some things like suggestions or art (I’m a lurker on the vetcord)
though i’d occasionally look out into other areas, eventually finding the abyss sea AU and beginning my journey and writing up a few stories before i lost motivation (I have recently returned to writing again)
Then came Woven together made by Sykadelik has overall been a nice rp and good experience, even if WT0 was cut short, WT1 has been going on much better for the most part and has been quite fun, and I’ve certainly been able to do some talking in other places to (In most online communities i either become a lurker or rarely ever speak) and speaking of that, normally i don’t even do much with the discord acc (mainly talking abt woven together on that part, i usually just use this acc for the gaming communities while my actual main is used for my main friend group whom I have [mostly] known for multiple years)
Now most recently, i have been approved as a suggester, and people for the most part seem to like the 2 suggestions i made (I hope i can continue to make good suggestions)
I have just been enjoying myself here even if i have lacked having an introductory post until now
I rambled way to much- prepares to be hit with a meme abt yapping or smth
Greetings! Do you prefer magic or weapons? If magic, what’s your favorite type?
I hope to see more of your suggestions as well, thus far they’re great!