
Help me
My enchanter Deckhand is stuck at base level because I have 3 notebooks, and I swear there is no reliable way to get them. How the hell do I get them?

Trading is your most reliable way to get notebooks, but you could take a gamble with Merchant deckhands as they can sell notebooks as well.

ıdk it is intended or not but even if you get 10 notebooks it wwill say youre shhortt of notebooks thats happened to me just telling

maybe your 3 notebooks had a ‘owned by [username]’ on it?
then they dont stack
and the game doesnt account for stacks

could be ı dont remember

Yeah I had someone trade me 15 notebooks (which it said I needed) and it’s like the game didn’t count them.

yeah this issue is well known expanding on what hanmbi said, trade away the stack with the lower amount to an alt or friend to hold then try upgrade let me know your results


you can get notebooks from random chests and sealed chests bruv

just do chest runs