Nova Potion Ship Compatibility Boost

Nova Potion Ship Compatibility Boost
effort 4.5 6 quality 4.6 5 reasonability 5.0 5


As of now, nova potions kind of… don’t do a lot to ships. The only ones that really have any sort of impact are the ones that apply corroding, burning, and scorched. I suggest to allow more effects to apply to ships, and have ideas for them. This includes both the positive and negative effects.

Details/background on your proposal

Instead of wasting time, I’ll just get into it:
Agility: Increases the ship’s turning and sailing speed.
Slowness: Decrease’s the ship’s sailing speed.
Ironskin: Decreases the ship’s sailing speed but increases damage resistance.
Power: Increases damage dealt by ship weapons
Desert/Arctic/Blinding: Applies to all players on the ship when it hits. Increases the ship’s fuse/reload times, due to the crew being blinded by it.
Healing: Self explanatory, restores a chunk of HP to the ship
Harming: Self explanatory, deals a chunk of damage to the ship
Electric: Causes some or all of the ship’s cannons to become electrified and non-functional for a few seconds (more cannons are affected with higher tier, rather than increasing duration)
Frost: Reduces ship turn speed
Warding/Insanity: The effects linger on the ship, applying them to anyone standing aboard while the effect lasts. Insanity lasts much less time compared to Warding, and the effect on a player ends when they jump off.
Sharkrepel: Sharks ignore the ship, and players swimming nearby.
Invisibility: Applies the effect to the ship and anyone aboard. Anyone standing on the ship can see it as if it only had invisibility 1, regardless of the tier of the potion.
Energizing: The ship’s Magic Storage (if it has any) recharges more quickly.
Waterbreathing: The effect applies to anyone aboard the ship, and remains with them for a minute after jumping off.
Gale: Pushes the ship. Pushing a ship into an object or especially a ram causes the ship to take damage.
Revealing/Clearsight: The effect applies to anyone standing on the ship. For Revealing specifically, its range is increased. Both effects end on a player when they get off the ship.
Luck: Has a vastly extended duration when applied to ships. Causes ships sunk by the one with the Luck effect to drop more Sealed Chests and higher tier Treasure Chests.
Poison/Bleeding: These two don’t really make sense when applied to ships, but if you had to then they can be simple dots like burning/corroding/melting already are.
Love: The effect applies to the ship, preventing that ship from attacking the ship of the person who threw the potion. When a player throws a love potion at their own ship, it cancels the love effect and/or provides protection from love. Players aboard a ship with the Love effect cannot target the ship that caused the love, and this protection extends for 20 seconds after they leave the ship.
Interchange: Does literally nothing. The ship doesn’t have stat points…
Mystery: Applies any of the above effects to the ship.

Reason to add/change

Quite honestly, I was surprised when only a handful of potion types could be actually useful as nova potions and supernova potions, especially since the nova potion description literally says that the effects are powerful enough to apply to ships. Keep in mind that all of these effects are only my suggestions, and they could be changed or even just not added entirely if any of them make it into the game. This may also make naval combat more interesting, if potion effects are on the table.

Someone had suggested potion cannons in a past suggestion that I remember. If this change to nova potions were to be added, adding those cannons as replacements to the shark hunting attachments or even siege weapon replacements may be justifiable, and further expand naval combat as a result.

Or maybe I’m just being stupid and should never cook again. Kinda made this entire thing on a whim because I thought it would be funny and also saw a guy on the AO wiki who said nova potions didn’t work because they threw a healing potion at their ship, like, they tried to heal a ship with medicine bro

please, effects prob need some rebalancing if vetex adds them, but rn only like 3 or 4 nova potion types actually work. healing potions shouldnt be very effective tho because theyre just bottled repairs if else

healing potion reagents are already tough to come by, so i don’t think that’s a bad thing, though you wouldn’t get more than probably 10-15% unless you use t4 and above

balancing can come in the form of duration changes

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For interchange, you can’t make it into anything but a drinkable anyway, however, aside from that, yes.

Bleeding potions could spawn Sharks that automatically circle the ship like someone boarded a hunting installation. That’d be a good alternative to DOT, I think.

had to list it anyway because of mystery potions or because of people who were insane enough to make interchange novas before the update that prevented it

A potion shop would be great since it make you want to spend your money on potions

I don’t… see how that’s relevant to this suggestion?

throws love nova potion against ship which also hits the shark nearby
“You have gained respect for your [ship type]”
“The shark loves you and will protect you from others”

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this would honestly be really interesting, trying to use nova potions just sucks atm

that would be really funny if that were an interaction in the game

More use for nova potions and the starship reagent is nice, but I think another issue is trying to use the potions in the… second place (because having a reason to make nova potions would be in the “first place”). Throwable potions are already really janky and hard to hit. Nova potions aren’t any different, at least from what I remember. It’s awkward to hop out of your steering wheel and try to throw a tiny potion at a ship, hoping that it doesn’t hit some random ship accessory or whatever. Every ship function can be remotely done while you are on your steering wheel, and I think nova potions shouldn’t be any different.

An option to load nova potions into mortars or command a crewmate at the crows nest to throw it by holding Ctrl would be nice (and funny for the latter option). Makes it more usable in actual ship combat, and makes it inline with mortars and such.

I think a funny effect would be making the ship lanterns much brighter, or adding some sort of flashlight to the front of the ship. Or maybe this would be better as a blinding potion effect.

Maybe the dessert and arctic effects could make pillars of their respective material all over the ship, to make it harder to see and navigate. Or maybe the ship could have status effects. If flesh can have crystals growing out of it and… sand and snow on it, then I don’t see why ship materials can’t have them either. Maybe it would be cool if ship combat was like status effect combat.

This is why there could be a siege weapon alternative that lets you load and fire nova potions or shark attachments to do the same thing

It would be funny for them to do that, but I figured that since sandy and snowy only apply blindness (like light does) then it’s more consistent with what the effect does normally- and also there’s already other potion effects listed that do the same thing

Making the ship’s lanterns glow brighter as an indicator of the effect happening might be nice, but there’s already other potion types that would cause blindness.

Bump, this good + would make ship combat even more interesting.

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