Now clanless CC members, where are you going now?

hold on im malding because of this stupid music thing

I’ll join you after I figure it out

damn i just figured out my untapped briliance(the prolem is solved)

ok im gonna join you(if your even still ingame XD)

meant join the discord blud i aint on rn

oh ok(i am chad)

join pandemonium ez

me who was never in a clan to begin with bohahaha

still got the WoM logo hell nah :bangbang:

Our banner dripped asf :bangbang:

hopefully thats the case, ive been trying to play ao, but i just have no motivation on that game at all

same bc there nothing to do when ur done but that takes times when vetex adds more stuff

I left CC a few days after AO started since I felt more like a goon than anything else (my personal opinion, 600 players in one clan makes the individual seem less valued and look more like a pawn. ) I moved to Yousha ages before CC disbanded and I dont really feel like joining the reformed one since my new clanmates are cooler in my opinion.

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