NPC Co-Captain Map Sailing

NPC Co-Captain Map Sailing
effort 4.166666666666667 6 quality 3.666666666666667 6 reasonability 2.5 6

You’re not being very clear on the point you’re trying to make, and are being more contextually aggressive than I feel is comfortable for a healthy conversation.

The point I think that you are trying to make is that you should explore the map and learn it is completely valid in terms of opposing the suggestion, but my rebuttal is that you aren’t able to set sailing markers where you haven’t explored as you would have already explored the areas in the map that you have previously unlocked, hopefully.

Knowing the world and navigating through it is a skill. You shouldn’t have people literally relying on the map so much that they’re useless without it. It gives something for people to do and allows for a sense of accomplishment. Player made markers too imo should be nerfed and only give like notes to a certain location. Not really something to just oh yeah this direction now I have the easiest time in the world.

Now let’s go back to map sailing. Let’s take all the issues I would have with the current map, and apply it to here. You don’t even need to TRY to get from one place to another. Why have exploration if it’s just dumbed down to do this and boom relax and wait for 5 minutes. The game should just turn back to a continent at this point as it adds literally nothing.

Players,npcs and weather should easily encourage a player from being afk though.

  • Most dangerous ones will, a little bit of rain won’t.
  • NPCs sure
  • Players aren’t that deadly bro unless they infamy hunting

man all i want is the co captain to take the wheel when im not on it but the ship is active lol

I mean it can be visually or something when sails are up but you ain’t sailing it. If it’s an entire path going then and there then no

Even then it would still be factor’s to prevent someone from relaxing completely and going afk. As for your statement on exploration why should players have to memorize the map? I understand you want ao to be difficult but having autopilot for areas you’ve already explored should be fine considering having to manually control you ship over the same spot could get repetitive.

So simply going through an area should allow full access to it at any time without any effort. You should still have to control your boat to an extent. Sailing in AA wasn’t that repetitive and still had a lot going for it. It isn’t hard to memorize a lot of locations as long as you have a basic sense of direction and can use a compass effectively.

Never said that lmao

Considering rough seas and and whirlpools will be a thing yes

Although it can be for certain people.The entire purpose of the suggestion is to make it easier which I wouldn’t mind

I respect your opinion on this and agree that being too reliant on something creates a weakness if it goes away. The markers are a little too powerful as well.

It will be dumbed down at some points because the ocean is a vast and usually empty place, it’s inevitable.
This applies for any other kind of transportation that isn’t involved with fighting for your life every moment.

Travelling distances isn’t going to be a mind enthralling adventure all the time, though sea monsters, tornados or tsunamis, obstacles and passing enemy ships do mitigate that along the way.

I’d like to add that Co-Captains who are able to sail along a course are going to be something that could be added later in the game to add another way to avoid repetition.

You can always just hop off your boat or toggle the sails off to cancel the course.

Maybe even talking to the Co-Captain and clicking on the related prompt would make cancel the course and then go back to their previous post.

I’ll stop contributing to this conversation as I see that it isn’t going to win you over, and thus will end in toxicity at some point due to repetitive arguments or it ramping up to a crescendo. Have a cookie of departing :cookie:

The choice ultimately goes to vetex, who would be the one implementing the feature or idea.

It is the war seas, plus during a rough time. I don’t consider AO a place where things should be extremely easy. The top refers to just going to the area once and being able to make a route to there in an instant. If they don’t find sailing with obstacles and paying attention to stuff then sucks.

Fair enough

Of course it shouldn’t be that easy

Yeah that’d be one of the many risk’s of even using a cocaptain to control your ship which further encourages you to not be afk.

Assuming that a fog will still be there to cover up undiscovered parts of the map, I enjoy this idea, but I do believe in order to keep the exploration part of this, co-captains should not be allowed to sail into areas that have not been discovered by the player yet.

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Really don’t like how it’s ruining the exploration aspect of AO even more (although I don’t know how the map will work yet)

Boats are a very important feature of AO, we really don’t need to automate it even more than taking a direction and leaving your sail out

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this aint cruise ship tycoon

Actual response: I don’t agree with this too much tbh. Are we that lazy that we NEED automation for sailing? The game is partially about sailing, so get ready to do sailing yourself. This ruins the “I know the map layout without looking at it every 2-5 seconds” knowledge that players should get in exploration games.

…Racing in a pvp and exploration game? Sounds a little off-objective to me bro…

Overall, this would be pretty bad if implemented in game. But you tried. Here’s a participation award.



Maybe it’s unlockable at a certain level?

No but at the same time, if you’ve played AA or any of the remakes, tell me just how exciting traveling between islands is.

Exactly, it’d be way better if we could just set a course like any actual captain and do literally anything else for the duration of going from point A to B.
Its not like its getting forced on you, if you want to sail manually, you’d still be able to.

PLUS there will be underwater stuff to explore anyways so we would be manually sailing alot looking for that anyways, this is strictly for the boring journey between islands.

Its kinda hard to not know the layout of an open ocean considering you can see all of the surrounding islands and the islands are the things you usually really want to explore.

Yes and yes.

While I doubt I would use this feature much, having the option would be nice.
That and being able to let the co captain sail for ya while ya defend your ship would be a huge help during staged pvp battles and perhaps during regular open water combat aswell.
Of course since it’s all pre planned you’d have to take the wheel if anything particularly bad happens but that’s perfectly fine since this isn’t supposed to let everyone just afk travel across the map.

“Oh no this is going to turn AO into a lazy ship sailing simulator”

bro bro bro I need to explore every island and every corner of every ma-

NO! I don’t care! I really don’t care! sometimes I just want to hop on youtube while travelling across the entire planet instead of staring at a blue wasteland of liquid torture just to go buy some special canon balls from some random area!

take my vote i wanna go afk lmao

im sitting here playing hollow knight and rainworld and i still use a map, im a brainlet now :frpensive: