NPC ships sink after firing on them when they are disabled

NPC ships sink after firing on them when they are disabled
effort 2.0 1 quality 2.0 1 reasonability 3.0 1

Simple suggestion but I’ve been bothered by the fact that once we drain an NPC ship and take the loot they don’t sink into the sea, they just linger there until they eventually despawn. It feels pretty immersion breaking to just have it stand around and there already is a ship sinking feature with player ships sinking after losing all their health. My idea would be that any NPC ships that are disabled can have the loot recovered but afterwards if a player ship were to fire their cannons at the already disabled ship they would sink.

This is all in an effort to just help improve the pirate fantasy immersion because honestly sinking NPC ships isn’t all that fun when they just stand there after you finish with them. The idea of watching them sink below the waves like a player ship would just be satisfying.


idk i wouldnt mind this but idk idk idk.

Vetex would maybe add this.

After defeating all the enemies and looting all the chests off the ship, it should sink into the sea and despawn after several seconds.


in what way does it do anything bad to the game :skull:

Bre idk idk idk idk idk idk

Nice QOL
However: no immersion untill vetex makes the game less laggy

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