I will give you headless for 6 clean sunken swords
clean sunken sword for your powerful sunken booties + clean oath
Only have 1 powerful sunken boots so nty but would be a noice trade
ill find someone
Are you willing to gimme Seasonals for Clean Sunkens ?
Nope unless its some absurd trade like 1-2 non colour variation seasonals for a clean sunken
Why lol ?
Because theres simply no reason for me to trade for anything unless theres some serious profit involved. Ive got everything that i need for ao
Getting this full seasonal collection is such a pain
no way im reading this correctly, ud trade clean sunkens for 2 seasonals??
2 seasonals of mine for a clean sunken
So yes theres no way you read that correctly
Big F
wrong reply oops xd
meh this store kinda good i guess, it reeks of water though idk why
Nice shoppy ,
I give you sss for 2 ss and a little cheeky add
pretty fair offer but nty
Sad that u dont have sunken chestplate xd