OC Talk: How would your OC preform in a battle against an Atlantean?

if we’re talking about personal OCs, then yea even martin is absolutely done for.

Pretty much all of them defy the laws of physics somehow and a lot of them have a crazy diverse set of attacks that gives them some kind of insane advantage one way or another


In the mundane realm of social media, where words flow with reckless abandon, an image emerges, a still frame capturing a moment pregnant with meaning. At its center, a feline form, held aloft in the grip of human hands, its eyes piercing the viewer with an intensity that belies its diminutive stature. Beneath this arresting image, a caption etched in digital ink reads, “this is what you look like saying this shit.” With a single stroke, the juxtaposition of image and text ignites a cascade of introspection, prompting a meditation on the intricacies of communication and the intricacies of perception.

part 2

The cat, a creature revered for its enigmatic nature, becomes an unwitting messenger in this tableau. Its fur ruffled, its body tensed, it embodies a silent protest against the words that hang in the digital ether above it. Yet, it is not the cat’s physicality alone that lends weight to the scene, but rather the emotions that seem to emanate from its very being. In its gaze, there is a mixture of disdain and incredulity, as if it bears witness to the folly of human discourse with a wisdom beyond its years.

But what of the hands that cradle this feline oracle? They, too, play a crucial role in the narrative unfolding before us. For in their grasp, we see the embodiment of power and control, symbols of the human capacity to shape and manipulate the world around us. And yet, there is a fragility to their hold, a reminder that even the mightiest among us are subject to forces beyond our control.

And then there is the caption, a blunt instrument of commentary in a sea of digital noise. “This is what you look like saying this shit.” With these words, the image is transformed from a simple snapshot into a mirror reflecting back the flaws and foibles of human communication. It is a reminder that words have consequences, that behind every online persona lies a real person with thoughts and feelings, and that our words have the power to uplift or to wound.

In this age of instant gratification and fleeting attention spans, it is all too easy to forget the impact of our words on those around us. We hide behind screens, shielded from the repercussions of our actions, and yet the wounds we inflict are no less real for their virtual nature. The image of the cat serves as a potent reminder that our words carry weight, that they have the power to shape the world around us in ways both profound and lasting.

And so, as we gaze upon this simple yet profound image, let us pause to consider the implications of our speech. Let us strive to communicate with empathy and understanding, mindful of the impact our words may have on those around us. For in the end, it is not just the feline form that is held aloft in the hands of humanity, but the very essence of our shared humanity itself.

shit so big forums cant handle it

what did you guys do to my topic

forumer try not to yap about random bs challenge (impossible)

would never go to the dark sea cause that shit is gonna make me lose my mind (Irl of course)

Vega could absolutely destroy any Atlanteans up to Monstrous tier, but anything stronger and he’s not got the greatest odds.

my oc would absolutely destroy any atlantean (maybe apart from martin) as they are essentially a curse user without a curse

For my most recently created character, Simon Peter, he could probably hold his own against at most a level 400 Atlantean. He wouldn’t win, but he would last more than a minute, that’s for sure. (The Savior)

As for the next character I plan to reveal, he’s much more powerful. I plan to make him powerful enough to defeat an entire horde of Atlantean, only being held up by the higher-tier ones. But, I also plan to make him die in the same situation that he is introduced in. (Legendary Hero)

she could kill the unholy atlantean wit one hit ngl :joy: :joy: :pray:

bye bye :shushing_face::deaf_man:t2:
Anthony and Lukas combine their knockback forces to fling the Atlanteans to the War Seas

If they are still alive there are two warlords and mages and more waiting for them :joy:

Oh yeah, Corrina could deal with basically any Mutated or monstrous Atlantean too, unless they have a really solid magic like Earth, Wood, Ice, Metal. These can really get her with how lightweight her figure is.

Wind arcane expansion snare into light boxing Emperor’s Strike

Assuming we had like 3-5 of them,
Ace Grey: burnt, frozen, poisoned, blinded, withered and/or melted tier 5 atlanteans
Eso: bone-shattered tier 5 atlanteans
Frost Hallows: frozen tier 4 atlanteans
Agate: ashes of tier 5 atlanteans
Zen Shadowkeeper: sliced up and blasted tier 4 atlanteans
Kaj: tier 3-4 atlanteans with many metal and crystal shards in them

(This is taken from the peak of Ace Grey’s lore, so they are at their strongest. Although, Agate could probably do this any Tuesday)

Anything above Mutated would get my bro killed

Vetex has literally directly said that War Seas mages are stronger than Seven Seas mages because they have more developed magic usage and have moved past mutations. Mutations are primitive compared to what exists in the War Seas by lore.

Thank you! I’ll give this… mmm… a “C” for “Chatgpt-sounding ass” :hugs:

Bro ran ChatGPT in a fucking Linux terminal and put -v for verbose on his prompt :sob:

Thats not how mutations work. PK, Theos and maybe Verdies are exceptions. Scrolls might be more common than it seems, Iris literally managed to get a scroll and she lives with her dad who is basically just a normal blacksmith. She wasnt even some explorer, she just lived at Ravenna and just so happened to have a scroll.

Its Ancient stuff that are rare, and a lot of the Ancient stuff arent really available as mutations anyway.

And people dont really choose their mutations. In War Seas, people kinda has a choice in which magic they want. So they get more liberties here.

And like what Sock said, some mutations are literally BASE MAGICS in the War Seas.

Also, you are kinda relying on combat gameplay a lot. And you know how combat gameplay NEVER shows the true lore-accurate strength of characters. More often or not, they really restrict characters to specific movesets when they can actually do more.

Due to balancing, different stat builds, etc. it just looks like War Seas is weaker, but in reality, thats just because AO just so happened to have more restrictions and rules when it comes to gameplay than AA ever did.

A bit off-topic, but was it ever explained how mutations occurred?

Not really, seems like humanity just eventually discovered them after the advancement of magic.