October 2023: User of the Month Voting

I appreciate the effort :frcryin: :+1:

don’t be a basic bitch then

you’re lucky i’m letting that slide, kid…

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2 day voting period :sob:

all of these guys forgetting the og tetra…

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now that i think about it how the fuck do i regain the regular title LOL
it definitely isnt afk on the site looking at random posts and liking them or saying some bum ass shit

go to the forums check-up topic.

ask for a check-up. Afterwards you will get a list of everything you need to have for regular.

can i vote for realistic banana

Technically yeah, but morally no.

Edit: Nvm you can’t because hes not a member

vote realisticbanana because he’s a top B

(Top G but for bananas)

Techinically speaking, if Banana won, do mods have the right to uh… dismiss it?

I mean, considering there were 3 seperate “welcome back” posts on their return… its not impossible that they’d won lol


didnt you say you can only vote for members and above

Guys let’s vote rb1 (real)

Vote goes out to Kash :pray: he was such a big help in learning the game

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Oh yeah you’re right. mb

What vote? I can’t find a post by anyone named kash on this forum.

Kash these nuts on your face :weary: