October 2023: User of the Month Voting

Even though cryo knew what was going on its still humbling bro got caught by it but with two forumers thats wild, don’t foddle again :sob:

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got em

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Less than 12 hours left for voting!

incorrect. its less than 7

if dub loses this i’m gonna shutdown the odyssey guys…

Ended 2 hours ago, wonder who won…?

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I bet it was me (real)

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User of the month Pt2

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User of the Month

We have a tie between @DubiousLittleTyp0, @Crimsonpants, @Cat_Bread, and @Divanochi. You may vote until 2023-11-03T16:01:00Z.

Tiebreaker Vote
  • DubiousLittletyp0
  • Crimsonpants
  • Cat_Bread
  • Divanochi
0 voters

Nominees aren’t allowed to vote, right?

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I don’t understand what the point of this voting, if you told that to vote we should write a direct message to you?


Because we already did that and it was a 4 way tie. Also, I would do a poll except it would have to include every single fucking member and regular, which just isn’t possible. However, since we have a tie, we just have 4 people to choose between, therefore the poll is optimal.

Uh, what about requirements? Nobody of people listed there have done something big to name it a contribution (this month). I guess this thing should be something as big as Divanochi’s riddle last year.

All the requirements were met, and everyone provided their reasoning. If you don’t think they deserve it than you should have voted for someone else


Do I need to give you my reason in message or choosing from those 4 does not require reasons anymore?

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