Off Topic Presidential Election 4 Results

alright guys due to a totally real and not fake emergency I have assumed the presidential seat along with all powers and privileges of said presidency

just kidding, congratulations macobre. though sheer BS and the power of cultists the people you have achieved the presidential seat!

i will bestow upon you the plaque of the off topic category (not really), signed by past presidents @TheSandCrab and Obamavirate. (again, not really I just wanna do something special because we haven’t done this in a while)


please do not vandalize this plaque this plaque was like 5 bobingles and that is the last of my savings

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Cute little potetoh man.

thats beanos long lost cousin

Who is beanos?

World of MS PAINT part 1: new save

Lol nice.



friendship ended with meta now the air is my best friend

I guess a whole bunch of people are getting TL0

Might as well go down in a blaze of glory, HEY, HEY, EVERYONE HERE, YOU ARE A MOTHER FU-

Congrats macobre, you really out here rising through the ranks

you didn’t just curse in my protestant roblox forum did you

Macobre gave me all of her votes :nod:





Oh but you just started! What a shame.

Except I don’t and you wouldn’t get the position anyway