Offering my services to potential pvpers

Idk if Ill ever come around to actually doing this.

Hi, you may know me for my rants about RK’ers and how much I hate pvpers only because Im a massive skill issue and I always lose to them. But here I am trying (key word trying) to become not shit.

My official title is the Crash Test Dummy because of how many munera duels Ive lost.

Im thinking of offering a service where I arrange pvp with people at munera. The cost? Nothing really. You get a big boost in your ego because you beat me up, and I get experience.

If you ever want to train and don’t have any friends (dw, Im like that too) or you just really, really need someone to crush to justify your superiority/god complex, look no further than the Crash Test Dummy.

I wont be available 24/7 for obvious reasons but if you happen to be online and I happen to be online then maybe we can work something out.

also I like Dallas region and Im a light conjurer (never pvping with warrior ever again its pain)

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Maybe if you upgraded to the 85 version your performance would be better (complete sentence)

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that is kinda sad bro :fr:
if u ever need some pointers i’d be happy to help


This is sad…! Dont feed into the evil greedy PVPERS!

U might just need better computer pvp is reslly hard if ur pc cant really run the game properly

Ya, the bad optimization makes pvp impossible lul…

Consider the following:
256 Power

Fight my files where I was too lazy to grind to make their builds.

Do not do yourself like this lol, your better off pvping with other players who just want to pvp or just wants to get better.

What’s wrong with warriors? It’s among the weakest builds lol

i’d like to sign up