Official LockShop

Official LockShop
convenience 4.0 2 fairness 0.0 0 trustworthiness 0.0 0

Welcome to the official lockshop. No, we will not tell you where your keys are and no we will not unlock any of the exits.

Clean: No enchant.


2x Bracelet, clean, swift


2x gi, clean
2x legs, amplified, clean
2x bracelet, nimble, powerful




3x Cloaks, clean
1x Mask, clean
1x Scimitars of Storm, clean


1x Crown, powerful
1x chest, powerful
1x legs, clean
1x Trident, bursting

Commander Kai

4x Sabre, Swift


1x Lance of Loyalty, clean

Old Meta

Hard wizard chest, hard wizard pants, powerful wizard chest, powerful wizard hat, powerful power amulet(dull), swift power amulet.
3 Full Maid Sets(chest and accessory), with 1 bursting maid skirt and another nimble maid skirt.
I have a lot of old meta items. DM me and I might have something you’re looking for.


I have so many weapons I don’t feel like naming them all. If you have a specific weapon you’re looking for, tell me and I’ll check if I have it.

Meme/Funny Souvenirs

A couple old boots, a couple rusty cans.


Most fish put in here are not rotten. Not even sure if fish can rot anymore.



1x Hard Enchant Scroll
1x Pulsar Scroll


1x Fair Power Amulet, Hard

MLF: Boat Speed Upgrades, Poison Dagger, Arcsphere, Full Hard Carina Set

Don’t be afraid to offer if you don’t have an item on my MLF list. I’m open to all offers.

People you can trust. They help me transfer my items from one file to another without scamming me, so if they didn’t scam me, they won’t scam you.

If I don’t have something you want, just ask me to get it for you(not for free ofc). I can always grind the boss for said drop.
I can’t fight Calvus as of now, otherwise I’d probably have much more of his drops.

I can also do boss fight services, I can solo any boss except for Calvus.

What does poison tooth dagger normally go for cuz I might want one unless poison jaws is ez then I’ll just grind my own

I don’t know, but it’s poison damage melts HP.

i want one before i battle calvus ideally so i have better chances at beating him

warriors are as dangerous as their weapons afterall

Your shop looks clean but i cant rate you on your fairness or trustworthiness yet since i havent really seen you trade that much

I’m not rich enough to get consistent trades :sob:

big oof

if you can get me sanguine and silent blades i’ll trade calvus trident for it

Will do.

can’t do this trade anymore, don’t have the trident

I already got one

Would 4 poison daggers for pulsar be good

Ehhh the hide details are a bit excessive, and I don’t really see the point of the “Old Meta” & “Fish”, I don’t think people really trade much for those (except maybe legendary fish?) so it feels a bit unecessary. The shop could use some organizing aswell, no disrespect, but this feels more like a marketplace post than a shop, good luck on improving it though!

It’s a just-incase. You never know, someone might just come along wanting a colossal squid!

No thanks.

i have:

x4 bursting scrolls
x4 amplified scrolls
x4 hard scrolls
x2 (or 3?) strong scrolls
x2 axe-slash
x1 pulsar
hard defense amulet
shadow arcsphere
15k+ galleons

looking for a poison tooth dagger

why did you post that here?

for some reason i thought you had the poison dagger listed… 5 hours of sleep