Oh look Deron made a topic

chat it’s been over a year since I entered these secular forums. but it’s much deeper than that. it’s been over a year since I began my mission to make the world a better place, starting with these secular forums.

it’s been over a year since I began my ultimate mission to make the world a better place, starting with these forums, one reaction at a time.

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Please shut up :face_with_hand_over_mouth::grin::laughing:

Deron just explain WHY you’re doing it and maybe the forums won’t harass you as much

uh read the post :skull:

ok but youre still eating raging impacts

i prefer ramen :yum:

I did and it explains nothing about why you’re doing it? I don’t understand

400! Slowness!

Can you elaborote and how annoying emojis make the world a better place

Ok tbh this is obvious ragebait cant the mods just ban you again pls :pray:

y’all it just does it’s at least better than all the perverse stuff y’all post on the forums

The sad thing is it isn’t

If people ask you to stop reacting, it’s not making the world a better place for you to blatantly disregard people’s wishes

“Just because” ahhhh answer :skull:

Deron is actually the most succesful rb1 alt the world has ever seen

Deron is the rb1 alt that gained sentience


Urhm guys im changing this world one step at a time with useless pissing offs (this will only change the world in a bad way.)

that’s my goat

Have you considered converting to the Church of Morock?

thank you deron my glorious king