I’m rooting for them even though I’m in a guild of my own. Then again, we are in the very severe negative range
What guild you in?
arachnid is no longer at the leaderboard?
i once met the leader of that guild
Same, with his 2 friends, all they did was farm off of me
i fought the leader once. unsurprisingly, because of my shitty specs, ping, and not very good skills, I lost
Ready the armada’s
It’s time to crusade
stay mad
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yes its true we’re on like 19 atm
Better delete the guild or I create an anti horny unit.
They’ll get back ez.
How do you know?
I’ve only met one of them, specifically the leader, so I can’t tell if they have better PvP fighters than him or not.
lol they are all really good. Trust me.