Ok so, I'm just gonna explain the whole AU situation

I’ve seen multiple people ask about “joining the au” and I’m afraid in short terms, unless you’re an artist or a writer. It ain’t happening.
BNT has stated themselves that they do not want anyone non-artist related, I’ve asked why, and her and Tongs simple response was: “it’s already clustered and we can’t manage that many people” which is fair.
Another thing about Tobi’s comic, it is not related to the main story of the AU, he just made it for fun, nothing else. We’ve asked him not to give any sort of spoilers about the AU, as it’ll be explained when the mods decide to. You can ask to be a part of his comics, but you won’t be a part of the main story.
Yes, we do have a trello, and no, you’re not allowed access. That would ruin the whole point of the story, and give MASSIVE spoilers on the au. Only people allowed are those who’ve joined the discord group. (Tong/BNT’s choice when it becomes public)
This all started btw from a small sketch that tong did involving a few artists (e.g. me, bnt, himself, jtn, etc). BNT was like “Yoooo that sounds neat” and made a whole series about it.
In short, we don’t want to allow random people to join the server because it’s already hectic. Respect BNT and Tongs wishes to not allow anyone to join as they’ve put a fuck ton of effort into this.
Thank you.

EDIT: Yes, you can be in the comic, but you won’t have any say in the matter of things, and you can’t just “ask”, Mods will decide (such as Suncry is in the au, but they have no control over what happens)


What’s AU (nvm tobi’s comic)

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alternative universe

sad that this post is neccessary


first of all: why did you tell us this
secondly, what did your mom do

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Jeez. You good man?


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oh you’re the guy who woke me from my unconsciousness mins ago

your poop impact vibrated to a certain country in asia holy shit

wait what

understandable have a great day

Sounds tasty


i dont even know what’s up here-

roleplayers when they have to roleplay being funny


yeah but i’m devo


I don’t know either…



My Comic is an alternate universe of this alternate universe. :nod:

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only artists allowed? brb time to become a forum artist