someone Already asked , 100% i know , but its cool to saw
Talk about your original magic , every detail
My ORIGINAL :fire magic: Probably a blue fire cold who can freeze everything , or a red magma fire , a life fire? , anyway everything was fire are already cool for me.
Fish magic , shot fish tropical
I stole your water colour and you steal my dream magic.
Other than that I would have
Flower, variations: poppy, daisy, sunflower, rose
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December 22, 2022, 6:53pm
“Mist magic is a magic that resembles mist”
how the fuck does mist hurt someone tho
“ahh! a refreshing spritz! the agony!”
December 22, 2022, 7:07pm
White/Red rose pettel magic
Same way one gets hurt by water magic
water is like a giant ball of liquid travelling at high velocity
yeah that’s gonna hurt
mist is literally like mildly cold vapor.
same stuff that comes out like smoke machines.
Hence why it is magical mist and not just mist
Vetex explained this somewhere
I am failing to see how magic mist can affect a magic aura
it sounds like it would be at most just mildly uncomfortable lol
Then be mildly uncomfortable as I blast you with my cold vapour
you ever get hit by frozen rain that feels like daggers digging into your skin???
Well have you? that’s what the frozen mist would be like. But worse and actually deadly.
December 22, 2022, 7:43pm
can i just get the magic symbols and throw that shit at people like