Today’s loveday, and you know what that means—ridiculous shipping. Thus, we’re gonna play a little game: vote on a character in the poll below, and I will make the top two characters into low-quality ship art. (For high-quality Art, please see literally any other artist on the forum).
If you need an explanation as to how this happened, I can always just say they’re on love potions. And will probably commit murder when they wear off
- Kaden Ketch (Lightning Conj)
- Amber Cinders (Magma Lock)
- Iris the Anomaly
- Morden
- Garwine (Muscled siren-outfit lass)
- Dame Caesennia
Edward isn’t on here because we all know he’d win one of the slots automatically.
For anyone who wants something to take their mind off the horror of this topic’s existence, I provide a quick and easy exit to literally anywhere else.