Okay Iris

Screw the 9 character requirement for topic titles. Or maybe I’m just stupid for not deciding to think of another title. But no, I want it to be short… “Iris the Anomaly” is too long… Wow I’m stupid, why am I so stubborn when I can just type, Iris the Anomaly, so easily.

Ok, maybe I’ll do some scenery art next time. (I need to stop drawing roblox game characters :skull:)

Thing I made when the trailer dropped

This thing is rotting in my storage. Now it has a place to stay. (I’m deleting it on my gallery lol)


Is that Freedrock in the 2nd image, also nice Iris art

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Have you tried
Iris (9 characters)

just put 5 invisible characters after it

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Yall have forum tricks I don’t know of

Female human given the name referencing a part of the eyeball and has been given the subtitle the unusual and strange due to mastering a powerful ability pre-maturely.

Iris, the flowering plant genus.

now draw her commiting tax fraud

I can’t tell if that is Freedrock or not


Dang that’s a very nice representation of Iris. As in you drew her in a way that nobody else has, basically not anime-like or cutesy, more like a real person. Not to mention your art looks really good in general


She’s like ball of fire, a ticking bomb, she threatened people with her magic

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iris as a real woman???

I’m not sure why but the more I look at this iteration of Iris, the more I like it. It feels like how Iris would actually look like if she was a real person. When I first encountered her in the AO story, she stroke me as someone who is young, energetic, bombastic and filled with potential yet misguided by her faulty ideals and lost by the loss of her dad, someone dear to her. In other words, a parallel to the AO MC and her facial expression in this picture perfectly encapsulated these things.

Rawr, I need to stop rambling and be deep and just get on with life.

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one of the few pics of iris i like. Awesome :+1:

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